My journey along a path that is different than I ever expected. Which way will I go next?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Is He Right For Me?

I needed to type this up for another reason, so I figured I would include it here:

One summer, way back when I only had two kids, I was going through a Bible study. The first day of the study we had to introduce ourselves by giving our name and when we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. Somehow those words just really hit me. When it came around to me I gave my name and when I'd accepted Christ as my Savior, but had to admit that I'd never really made Him my Lord. I remember saying I'd have to work on that.

Well, God worked me on that through the rest of the summer. I was really doing well having a daily quiet time since the study was a 5 day a week thing. With a baby who cried all the time I needed all 7 days to get those 5 days in. And I was giving this my all.

EVERY day when I would close my study time with prayer, God would ask me the same question: "If I asked you to leave your husband and your children, would you do it?" I knew He'd never really ask me that, but I also knew that wasn't the point. Every day I tried to answer honestly. I couldn't bring myself to say no to God, but I couldn't honestly say yes either. Each day I just answered with, "Please don't ask me that." and quickly said Amen.

But as I continued to study His Word and pray more and more often, I grew a lot closer to Him. I began to understand why people could refer to Jesus as a friend and my trust grew. My baby was healed by God that summer of a stomach disorder that should have required surgery and that went a long way toward helping me trust and love God.

Finally one day God asked the same question. "If I asked you to leave your husband and your children, would you do it?" This time I was able to honestly answer that "Yes, Lord. I trust You. If You asked me to leave them I would have to believe that it was what was best for them and for me. I would obey You."

At that moment I was given a vision of a pair of filmstrips. One of them was from my life and the other was from Roger's. They were laid one over the other so that I could see that everything in his life led him to me and everything in my life led me to him. It was God's plan for us to be together. He gave me the most precious gift of knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was absolutely with the right man. And of course God would never ask me to leave him.

I believe I received this gift because I submitted to His Lordship. He really wants us to surrender all to Him and oh how sweet to trust in Jesus. It's not just a lot of words we sing over and over in hymns. It's real. He's real.

1 comment:

Zoey's Mom said...

You never told me this! Great story. What is the other reason you had to type it up?