My journey along a path that is different than I ever expected. Which way will I go next?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Do You Love Him?

Valentine's Day has just ended. For many people, it was a day of celebrating the love they share with a significant other. For others, it was a day of disappointment or loneliness.

So while it's fresh on your mind I want to ask you this. Why was your day the way it was? What is it that left you so happy or so sad? Think about those things that helped you feel either loved or unloved. If you felt loved, why? If you felt unloved, what were you wishing for?

For most of us, we desire a person who will spend time with us. We want their attention. We want to be number one to them. We want them to say wonderful things to us and give us gifts that show they care. Be honest. Those things matter to you. Without them, you feel disappointed.

We were created in God's image. He has those same desires. He loves you. He tries to spend time with you and give you attention. He knows every detail about you right down to how many hairs are on your head. He gives you good gifts and tells you wonderful things that He loves about you. Perhaps you aren't noticing or listening, but it's true. He really loves you. Your very breath is a gift from Him. The air you breathe, the sunset at the end of a hard day, the flowers peeking through in the spring, even the motorcycle that drives by and distracts a toddler at just the right moment. These are all gifts from Him. And He desires the same from you.

Your Heavenly Father wants to be loved. He wants to hear from you and have you spend time with Him. Not just begging Him for things, but just being together. Maybe in a comfortable silence once in a while. He wants gifts from you and He wants you to say wonderful things to Him.

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